An African's Response to TGC's "Why Africa Still Needs Western Workers"
I haven't posted on my blog for about 4 years, so many life changes including being a working momma has kept me busy. But last week I read an article on TGC which is by the way one of my favorite ministries that I highly admire, but it disappointed me so much that I had to share with the world why I whole heartedly disagree.... so here is my response to this article Dear TGC, I’m writing to inform you of the huge and damaging impact your recent article about why Africa needs western workers can have on myself, and my African community, please carefully read my response and reply accordingly. 1 st ) I am an Ethiopian who came to the U.S. to pursue my full time ministry calling, went to a large Christian University and have worked for 3 mega churches which are majority white Churches. I tell you this to say that I have the honor of discipling westerners (to use the Article’s terms)...
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