An African's Response to TGC's "Why Africa Still Needs Western Workers"
I haven't posted on my blog for about 4 years, so many life changes including being a working momma has kept me busy. But last week I read an article on TGC which is by the way one of my favorite ministries that I highly admire, but it disappointed me so much that I had to share with the world why I whole heartedly disagree.... so here is my response to this article
Dear TGC,
I’m writing to inform you of the huge and damaging impact
your recent article about why Africa needs western workers can have on myself, and
my African community, please carefully read my response and reply accordingly.
1st) I am an Ethiopian who came to the U.S. to
pursue my full time ministry calling, went to a large Christian University and
have worked for 3 mega churches which are majority white Churches. I tell you this to say that I have the honor
of discipling westerners (to use the Article’s terms) and understand where the intent to call for more missionaries comes from.
2nd) I have lead 2 mission trips to my own
country which were pivotal in me getting a grasp on how the types of short term missions we were doing were damaging, a waste of money and an unnecessary phenomenon therefore, my husband
and I shifted our support to Long Term Local missionaries who are natives and
have been blessed to build a church wide partnership with our previous church
which is still currently sending short term mission trips of pastors to train pastors and strengthen the
men and women who are doing the work of ministry in its own cultural context
and penetrating high profile positions
even to the level of the Parliament seats in Ethiopia…this organization is doing the
amazing work of redeeming people’s hearts for Christ through an appropriate way
of discipleship. I use the term
appropriate because these people are not asking people to change their culture,
language and livelihood to follow Jesus, but are helping them understand how
Jesus can be a part of their world and slowly helping them grow into disciples
who forsake all to follow him whole heartedly.
This type of work takes years and years of dedication, a love and calling to a specific group of people, a sincere desire to know and understand their history and culture, and we are blessed
to have such partners we are proud of.
3rd) I’m writing as a by product of an African
Christian mother who raised me to fear God, who prayed on her knees day and
night for her children, who is still a prayer warrior and has left the finger print
of JESUS on my heart that I knew I could do nothing but to follow him. I’m writing as the daughter of my dad who is
a Coptic Christian and who believes we’ve been scammed by the “white man’s
religion” and have abandoned our roots of true Christianity. And who still believes that the Gospel as
taught by a white man is only so they can take our land and abuse our people
there fore we need to protect ourselves from “them”. Because of the damaging work of some long-term
missionaries, our churches have been persecuted and I’ve lived through the torment of living in a home with a divided view of christianity growing up. My dad who accepts Christ’s
Lordship refuses to go to an evangelical church because leaving his church
means abandoning his heritage, so I walk in that space trusting God’s saving
work in his heart and letting him worship God the way he knows best even though
I’d much prefer he’d go to church with my mom and be baptized and proclaim
Jesus as his savior.
4th) I’m writing as someone who believes that
missionaries are needed but not just westerners, and I actually believe that the best American missionaries
to Africa might be African Americans since I've seen them go with an awareness that
they need what Africans have to offer which is their cultural heritage and
roots as much as they’ll go to share Christ with them. Africans are very proud and strong people and
we open up only to those who come with a learning posture. The problem with this article is that it self
exalts the white man and tells us that “these savages need our civilization and
way of life” rather than the lost men and women of Africa need Jesus. What I love about my interaction with African
Americans in the U.S. is that they have the learning posture, they are
genuinely curious about Africa, where they come from who their people are, how
they can be a part of the beautiful culture and maybe even trace their lineage
back to a specific country so they can adopt the culture as their own. They go with an attitude that says teach me,
which is the only attitude that a servant of God needs to have in going into
someone else’s home to hopefully subversively share the Gospel. Does that mean White Americans don't qualify for the job, NOT AT ALL but I think there is a deep heart work of racial reconciliation and awareness of privilege that needs to be a part of their journey.
5th) Starting from the Introduction the article paints a dark and desolate picture of Africa I was wondering if I was reading
about my Africa and quickly decided that’s a westerner's idea of Africa, which
is very offensive, unwelcomed and disrespectful. The article seems to totally
over look the fact that there are many churches doing the good work and making
disciples…It doesn’t quote a single African author or Pastor…It just talks as
if westerners some how are a spiritual authority over the ENTIRE CONTINENT.
6th) Africa is depicted as one country rather
than a continent with 54 countries, thousands of tribes, languages, dialects
and cultures. This is a horrible
generalization and oversimplifies the complexity of the work that needs to be
done to reach such a complex and diverse people group. It leads us to believe that if we can just go
there then they’ll listen, without sharing the facts about colonization and
Africa’s history of suffering in the hands of westerners, there fore how
unwelcomed they can be in some areas. The local Pastors
who are doing the real work really don’t want westerners there long term, but they’ve
learned that to get the resources they need they need to play nice with them so
they let them stay. It’s like a necessary
evil and comes with the territory. Sometimes I wonder who is going to tell these people who are spending
decades in another country that they’re actually not wanted, only their
resources are and their temporary presence. They need to equip and let the locals lead. To give you an idea, I spoke with one of our local partners about how much money he'd need per month to reach the entire country of Ethiopia with the intentional discipleship method that's been effectively working and he said $3000/month would support their entire staff all around Ethiopia. That'll cover their salaries, travel expenses, food and even supplies they need to provide for the locals. $36,000 a year and they could effectively reach the country with the Gospel, make disciple makers but they still have yet to find the income sources. Since then, they've had several short term missionaries visit them.
7th) The article portrays Africa as being first reached by the Gospel by these martyr white men and completely ignores the fact that the First
Missionary to Africa was AFRICAN. The Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8 who was
searching the scriptures for himself, the Holy Spirit sent Philip to him and
helped him understand the Gospel, he got baptized and took back the message
back to Ethiopia. It says nothing about
the Coptic Church and the beautiful heritage we have the early Egyptian churches and current spirit filled churches that are producing an army for Christ. It only talks about prosperity gospel and
totally discredits the work God has been doing for more than 2000 years and our fathers and grandfathers who gave their lives for it!
8th) This type of thinking of missions is the
perfect example of when helping hurts.
The article diagnoses Africa’s problem as (savages that need civilization) it reads “These early men and women laid down their lives to
disease and a hostile population for the sake of the gospel. As
historian Ruth Tucker notes, “Africa
has claimed the lives of more . . . missionaries than any other area of the
world.” Yet still they came. It was these 19th-century missionary
pioneers, Tucker writes, “who risked all to open the way for Christianity
in Africa.”…my question is, what's compelling us to serve? A desire to see people's heart turning to Jesus and glorifying God in their lives or a desire to be the hero in the story? A book that opened my eyes about the right approach to missions is "The Celtic Way of Evangelism: by George G. Hunter" we need to love the people of Africa as they are before we can share the Gospel.
9th) This article is written to appeal to the
white savior complex, and it works for unfortunately the majority of western
Christians because it affirms the notion that we are perfect as westerners,
let’s go change the world. To me, being
an African missionary to the U.S. I’d like to challenge that thinking by simply
asking American Evangelicals to search their hearts and consider to spend a
week or two in the red zoned districts of their cities. To first deeply be convicted of their own
racially divisive and man centered theology and repent, …reconcile with their
black brothers and sisters and reclaim the Gospel of Jesus as the Good news and
not the rich white people’s country club. Then, go to someone else’s continent and learn
on how you can be a part of what God is already doing.
10th) I’d argue that the way prosperity Gospel is
described as evil in Africa in this article is the same as how black Christians
would describe Patriotic Evangelism in America.
Both are blinding, so appealing to the needs of a man’s heart to self-exalt
and self-serve. I don’t deny most of
Africa is struggling with prosperity Gospel but one thing we can learn from
those false teachers is that, they are letting people live where they are, and
going and “evangelizing” to them in their own language and culture. They’re not trying to “civilize” them and
make them confirm to their way of living.
It’s one thing when missionaries go into villages to build hospitals and
schools to help what’s already there but the article appears to be demanding
westernization and even has the audacity to demand religious freedom.
11th) Religious freedom is a privilege Americans
have but think it’s a God given right because that’s what privilege let’s you
believe. The Gospel is not supposed to
be something we share to make this side of heaven perfect, civilized, simple to
the liking and understanding of simple minded man’s heart and mind, it’s
supposed to cost us our lives, we’re supposed to be persecuted for our beliefs…and
Africans understand that and when we give our lives to Christ we do it with
that in mind therefore our walk with Christ is full of deep pursuit and
dedication to the Lord. Because we actually lost something to follow him, every
breath we take with Christ on this earth is worth something to us, another day
to do his work faithfully.
12) This article talks about young people as a selfish,
self centered and irresponsible group.
It says nothing about the movement that is within the African Diaspora,
those of us who are starting businesses, churches and moving back home to take
up the leadership of our fathers and grand fathers. It makes Africa seem
helpless in need of saving. It’s simply
not true, we have an army of young leaders who are taking up the cross daily
and following Christ whole heartedly. We
are fighting false teaching with truth appealing to our youth’s heart by
keeping their dignity in tact. We speak
their language, love them the way they understand best, don’t demand them to
become something Christ doesn’t ask of them.
We are missionaries, transplanted around the world and praying for our
Do we welcome missionaries; we do and just to be clear I have many of them, one in particular a sister I've known since college in Uganda who is doing an amazing work of equipping young girls and teaching them to study God's word and how to teach it to others, she's been discipling these girls for several years and I get her newsletter every month and pray for and with her. The difference is she's there to
serve and not to dictate. I think it’s very problematic that TGC is allowing a
westerner to diagnose Africa’s problem as lack of westerners and offer a solution which says more westerners. It’s offensive to say the least and doesn’t even
touch on the tip of the ice burg.
For me, being someone that loves and follows TGC and use it
in my day-to-day ministry and discipleship, I find it very hard to believe this
post as one vetted by people that actually are Africans. I’m curious if Thabiti Anyabwile has seen
this article? I’d like to ask for his input and feedback to be considered in
deciding what to do next.
I’d also like to offer my help if it’s ever needed to vet
these types of posts for the future. You
can call or email me and I’ll be happy to help in any way possible. I am a student at a seminary and a part of
the Institute for the Study of the Black Christian Experience that is launching
this fall and will be honored to serve in any capacity I could.
I believe Africans need to lead these conversations, to
diagnose the problem of our own nation and to come up with solutions and we
need to invite westerners, middle Easterns, Asians...etc in to that process…doing it the other way around goes
back to a really bad history we have with the west and it discredits everything
Christ stands for and gets in the way of unity and furthering the Gospel.
I hope my assessment and opinion is taken into serious
consideration. I hope you’ll respond
appropriately and I hope this article will be taken down and TGC will issue an
apology for being a part of perpetuating a very negative view of Africa and
contributing to the stigma that Africa is a Dark place. It is the most beautiful, colorful, dignified
and diverse continent. Let us tell our
Update: After receiving so many requests to share my blog, and hearing the feedback of some godly men and women in my life, I've edited my original letter to TGC and have added some explanation to my points. I've also removed anything that directly addresses the author as I do not know him and cannot assume anything about his intent. I am sure whoever would spend several years in another continent doing ministry could only do it with God's call on their lives and my heart in this is not to discredit the work he's doing. But I also want to be sure that my righteous anger is not masked by a desire to please people, I think there is space for all of that and speaking my mind and beliefs in this area is something I stand by whole heartedly. I hope this educates and edifies my brothers and sisters in christ and cause them to think twice about Africa and Africans when they engage in these conversations.
Update: After receiving so many requests to share my blog, and hearing the feedback of some godly men and women in my life, I've edited my original letter to TGC and have added some explanation to my points. I've also removed anything that directly addresses the author as I do not know him and cannot assume anything about his intent. I am sure whoever would spend several years in another continent doing ministry could only do it with God's call on their lives and my heart in this is not to discredit the work he's doing. But I also want to be sure that my righteous anger is not masked by a desire to please people, I think there is space for all of that and speaking my mind and beliefs in this area is something I stand by whole heartedly. I hope this educates and edifies my brothers and sisters in christ and cause them to think twice about Africa and Africans when they engage in these conversations.
Beautiful Reponse!
ReplyDeleteI think this is a great response, and I especially like points 7 & 10. A lot!
ReplyDeleteI've actually had to study prosperity gospel issues in Togo at a secular university (case study, not field work) approaching it from a non-religious standpoint. Interestingly enough, the little I've read paints a more nuanced picture of the more prosperity-leaning congregations that don't always easily fit in the box in which they're usually described and critiqued.
All this is to pretty much reaffirm, "It only talks about prosperity gospel and totally discredits the work God has been doing for more than 2000 years."
DeleteI'm pretty confident He's been finding ways to work in areas we haven't recognized.
Thank you so much for reading! It's humbling!
DeleteYou raise some valid points and many of them are well worth putting into consideration. I am just wondering if you read the bio of the author of the TGC article, it's at the bottom. It might help tone your approach.
ReplyDeleteYes I have and that's why I'm baffled by the article, please Goole the term tone policing. Thanks!
Delete"Tone policing"! Thank you for educating me about this, Mekdes! Well done.
DeleteRemarkable and well documented! Thanks for the response!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Deleteprinting this out now to take with me to an editor at TGC in the morning! Your voice is being heard -- thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you! Thank you!
DeleteYes to all of this. Reading that article actually made me feel sick... it's like nothing has changed in 200 years of colonization. It especially hurts when this type of ignorance is spewed by so-called Christians. I would love to read more about your thoughts on how you've witnessed short-term missions as damaging. Personally I've always had a bad gut feeling about short term missions but I though hey, as long as they're spreading the gospel, right? But I know it should be much deeper than that. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteLily, thanks for reading and sharing your heart! It's been such a whirlwind but God is up to something here as I see it resonating with so many people!
DeleteApparently African Americans have a very low percentage represented in the mission field. This isn't a random observation but actual numbers being tracked by mission organizations.
ReplyDeleteWould it be more desirable for white people to stay home & not go to Africa to evangelize in light of the low turn out of black Americans?
Is that a better alternative, to just wait until more black Americans go?
I can't decide if this is a rhetorical question or not, please re-read my response above.
Deletewhen i read that article, my first reaction was anger. everything you addressed oozed out of my mind and heart. thanks for being brave enough to lovingly rebuke a major popular Western online ministry website. Thank God for sisters like you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading and for the encouragement Ariel! It needed to be said and I'm thankful for outlets like Faithfully Magazine that helped me reach a greater number of people.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mekdes. I have been living in Tanzania for 13 years and am continually learning more and more of what you wrote about here. I am humbled by the Tanzanians who allow themselves to learn from us even when we have made so many horrible mistakes. I've learned so much more from them than I have ever given in return.
DeleteThanks for sharing your story Amy, I am thankful when I meet people like you who go with a learning posture!
DeleteI'm grateful for your well-written response to this article. If nothing else (and it is doing far more) it is opening the eyes of some to realize the West doesn't have to be the Savior of the World - Jesus already did that.
ReplyDeleteI worked for about 5 years in Guinea and saw a people who were strong, resourceful and intelligent. I made a point of training nationals in printing and publishing so the work could go on in my absence. They were successful and were passionate to serve alongside me.
From where I sit as a white American male, we've spent too many years telling other nations and people what their problems are and then giving them our solutions and money. I hope more African thought leaders can come to the table and identify their problems and their ideas for solutions. Then the West can ask how they can help and thoughtfully listen to your reply before flooding your countries with things you don't really need.
And I do recognize the important geography lesson many Americans need: Africa is comprised of not only dozens of countries but hundreds of people groups, many of whom suddenly found themselves in a country because some white men stood around a map of Africa in the 1900s and drew borders with more consideration for geography than people.
Yes, thank you so much David! God bless!
DeleteReally enjoy and appreciate your thoughts on this, Mekdes, as a white Australian medical missionary in rural Kenya. To be honest, I don't experience the same anger you experienced when I read the original article, but then again...I'm a white western male! Thank you, thank you for sharing your perspective and voice on this important conversation. I want to encourage you to continue to speak and write on this subject because we need more non-Western voices (even those who reside in the West) in this area. May the Lord strengthen you and give you courage as you debate, get 'shot at' verbally, and may the 'cost' of speaking courageously not get you down.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for reading and for the encouraging comment! God bless
DeleteThis is a great quote because it is true. In baptism we die with Christ to be raised with Christ: "The gospel is not supposed to be something we share to make this side of heaven perfect, civilized and simple to the liking and understanding of simple-minded man’s heart and mind; it is supposed to cost us our lives." Our faith is not in politics and prosperity. As St Lawrence said "here is the treasure of the Church - the poor."