Learn to sign!

If you've ever talked to a mother who has raised infants, she'll tell you the most helpless thing for her is to not be able to help her baby who is crying because he is frustrated out of wanting something but not being able to say it because he is not able to speak. To avoid this frustration on both ends, mothers have started teaching their kids sign language to give them tools to help them in expressing their feelings. By signing they can say, I'm hungry, I'm tired or I want more food. This enables mom to be helpful to her baby and the baby is a much happier one.

At times, I throw a fit at God because I don't know how to verbalize what's going on in my heart. I find myself frustrated, wondering why God would not answer when I don't even know what I'm crying about or even articulate what I'm crying about to him. As a woman in God's kingdom the biggest tool we can develop is understanding our own emotions so we can "sign to God". Now this doesn't mean that God is not capable of understanding our heart even if we don't.

I've learned that when I'm able to identify why I feel a certain way, I'm able to pray about it which brings relief and a specific focus on working on this issue. I also know what scripture I need to read to help me stand firm in God's plan for my life.

God is good, don't be too quick to throw a fit, instead get to know yourself, your emotions and tell him what you're feeling. Articulate your desire for him to fill you up with the knowledge of himself. Start a new...learn to sign.



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