
I, I, I, me, me, me, I like, I want, I need, I would rather... that's what my world is like when I lift my eyes off the one who gave his life for my sake. Okay, so He's done the ultimate sacrifice for "ME" and because there is nothing more that could be done for "ME" when he died on the cross he said "It is finished" know what's finished, the story of my flesh, my sins, my selfishness... now the next chapter is opened and it's about HIM, no more I because "I no longer live but Christ lives in me"Gal 2:20.... but ...umm... question? If, I'm dead for sin and alive for Christ why do I still worry about me, what makes me happy, or makes me look good, or what comforts me, what my plan is... maybe, because I'm so quick to forget the beauty of God's majesty? Because I reward myself before the job is done and stop praying before I get the answer? what do you think?

You know, If I spend a good amount of time praying today, I'm so fired up that I feel like I've prayed enough for the rest of the week. So, tomorrow I lay on my bed and say to God "thanks for a beautiful day, you know I love you..Good night" and I cut him short because I get satisfied too easily. Isn't that the biggest problem we have as humans? we give ourselves too much credit. Who said God has finished the work he's started in you and I because you and I feel good? It's not about the good feelings, it's about the perseverance and building a constant and unshakable time of prayer with the Lord, so that we see what He sees and if we could only do we would never...never stop praying because what He sees is eternity.........soooooooooooooooooooo BIG. We would truly "pray without ceasing" 1 Thes 5:17.

To be completely honest, how in the world do we expect to allow Christ to live His life through us if we don't continually talk to him? How can I trust Him if I don't know Him and how can I know Him unless I pray. How can I be found faithful when Jesus comes back to take me home unless I'm constantly reporting to him the progress of His work here in this world through me and unless I get feed back from him on how to get better or how to continue doing what I'm letting him do through me. Col 4:2-6 "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."

Paul understood that the reason he was in chains was for the sake of the Gospel. And I'm sure he knew because he was continuously in prayer and had a beautiful fellowship with the Father through Christ Jesus. He didn't say "it hurts to be in chains and I'm tired of sitting here surrounded with selfish and ungrateful sinners, oh my life is meaningless, what's left of me, my reputation has been ruined" nope, he kept his positive attitude because he's not concerned about himself but the work of the one who called him, JESUS! Isn't that such a beautiful perspective to have and to keep in mind when we go through hardships, when we're confused? Instead of rushing to blame others or God, "...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil 1:6 How hard would it be to gain that perspective unless the Holy Spirit re-affirms it in our hearts again and again but He can't do it unless we let him, through Prayer.

When negative thoughts come to make me feel like, I'm tired, I don't know what to do, I can't go on, I devote myself to prayer then it becomes about Him, He is strong, I am weak, He is love, I tend to resent, He is patient, I don't want to know :), He is absolutely focused and purposeful, I loose track all the time, His purpose is eternity oh how I need to be reminded of that every single moment.

Lord help us to devote ourselves to prayer and to remain focused on your eternal purpose, Jesus Chrsit, imitating Him, preaching Him to the world, mostly letting Him do whatever he wills with our lives every single minute and second. Help us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices, burnt offerings, everyday through Prayer.

Love you,


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