
Showing posts from 2011

We Make it Our Goal to Please Him!

"  Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. For we live by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.  So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 When I read this scripture this morning, my heart stopped, it's like a new revelation, yes I do good because my goal is to please Him who died for me.  I am in full time ministry because nothing brings me joy more than seeing people come to know Christ, or praying for the Lost in great anticipation of God's answer to my prayers and having the honor of at times being an answer to others prayers.  The way we feel at Home is by doing Go...


Living for the Lord (his unseen kingdom) is a life of faith AND it often gets HARD.  It's hard to live a life that can in no way be controlled, manipulated, guided by one's own intellect, power or money.  It's a life of completet and utter surrender.  Surrender sounds like a very easy thing to do when we sing about it or talk about BUT it means being helpless or better yet powerless in the hands of another power, it's the act of submiting under another power.  In our case, in the hands of our creator, GOD.  It's giving our power and control up and submiting to the knowledge & power of the Lord and it's HARD.  I want it in theory but in reality, I don't like it. It goes against everything my flesh desires, it goes against everything I was trained or "educated" to live my life.  It's HARD and could make one feel helpless and powerless.  If God wants us to surrender everything that we could ever want to do for ourselves to ...

You Complete Me!

What a lie the world told me growing up, always leading me to believe in a lie that will never ever satisfy. I thought a specific man aka my Prince Charming would satisfy me some day. That I'd meet him, fall in love, be all butterflies inside and I'd be satisfied. I also thought, my efforts of success would add another level of satisfaction, as I identify myself as super woman. Well, that's all a lie. A man will never complete me, as I am created to only be completed by God. I am created to only find true satisfaction and identity from the heavenly father who will ALWAYS complete me. My fiance doesn't complete me, he just points me to Christ how unfair would it be for me to put that huge of a responsibility on a human being who is also a sinner saved by the grace of God and is called into a relationship with me solely to glorify the Lord through it. BUT God, God completes me, when I am so twisted in my own ways and clueless on what to do next, God swoops in and...

ACTS of living for YOU

I'm reading through the book of ACTS in the Bible and have been extremely amazed by how the apostles lived their lives and died for what they believed in. Jesus was not a story in the Bible nor was He a means to an end to these people, He was REAL to them. They touched Him, saw Him, experienced His love and grace and they couldn't stop but SPEAK of His Kingdom. He was REAL to them, He was no fuzzy image in their minds, nor was He a moral police, He was REAL to them. I want you Christ, to awaken my soul, make yourself REAL to me as you have made yourself known to your disciples. I want to see life in your sight and do things your way, I want to serve you Lord, not because it's the Holiest thing to do but because YOU deserve to be served with all I've got and I am. Lord, satisfy my hunger for your love by making yourself known to me. Show me how to live like you have lived, to love like you've loved, to serve like you've served and to be where you are. I ...

Things I love

Things I love, Lindor Truffles Pink flowers (roses & Gerber daises) Wake up to birds chirping & sunlight through my window The beach, Mountains & Trees…Hawaii To imagine God’s gentle and loving hands over me. Reading about a story of a girl (who ever, where ever, when ever, but I love to imagine I’m that girl on a journey) Music that tells a story…about God, life, emotions…something that has meaning My family….I love them to pieces, all of them, my immediate family, my aunts and uncles, my cousins, almost about 50 of them. Love them like crazy. My best friend in the whole world and love of my life Ermiye...He's a gift from heaven and the joy of my heart. Ethiopia…I love Ethiopia because I know I’m unique in the way I think and live my life because of my life experience there. What a beautiful place. Friends, I advise you to visit ;) I love to learn…new things…activities, I love knowing how people think, why they chose to do the things they do. ...

Learn to sign!

If you've ever talked to a mother who has raised infants, she'll tell you the most helpless thing for her is to not be able to help her baby who is crying because he is frustrated out of wanting something but not being able to say it because he is not able to speak. To avoid this frustration on both ends, mothers have started teaching their kids sign language to give them tools to help them in expressing their feelings. By signing they can say, I'm hungry, I'm tired or I want more food. This enables mom to be helpful to her baby and the baby is a much happier one. At times, I throw a fit at God because I don't know how to verbalize what's going on in my heart. I find myself frustrated, wondering why God would not answer when I don't even know what I'm crying about or even articulate what I'm crying about to him. As a woman in God's kingdom the biggest tool we can develop is understanding our own emotions so we can "sign to God". ...