
Showing posts from January, 2013

Popular Culture?

Wow, this is embarrassing. I haven’t posted a single blog in 2012, well I have but not on this blog, it was a year filled with wedding planning and getting ready for marriage, then getting married and figuring out how to be one when you have 2 completely different people involved in a marriage.   We’re still figuring it out but I’m at a place where I can resume blogging again J To be honest, it’s for my own spiritual health that I write out my thoughts and the latest things God’s taught me have been hard.   I’m just looking at the world around me and am scared of what’s becoming of our society. In the name of civilization we’ve adopted a Universalist worldview which has confused the heck out of most of us. If we don’t have right and wrong anymore how in the world will we be able to function in this world? I was taught to tell apart truth from false but this popular culture is pushing me to accept the fact that everyone is “right” in their own ways. NO way! Only God i...