
Showing posts from April, 2010

My life as a Burnt offering…

I’m reading “Passion and Purity” by Elizabeth Elliot and ran into a chapter that talks about bringing every emotion before the Lord so that He may shine through, our Pain, joy, longing, anxiety and such… His word says in 2 Cor 10:5 “….we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” What sweetness there is to this verse…can you imagine? Every thought, being brought forth to the Lord, so that it may obey Him? So in a simple example it would be, my desire to be united with my loved ones RIGHT NOW will be brought to Jesus and obey His will for me to serve him as a single woman alone for the season He’s placed me in. My longing will obey the will of God for me to preserver and produce Character and fruit. Isn’t this beautiful? My heart jumps at the thought of God being ever present in those moments that seem so low and so lonely. To know that’s EXACTLY where he wants me so that he may speak to me…love me and let me know HIM the lover of my soul. Hosea 2:14 is so real in m...

When all You NEED is Him!!

Have you ever came to a point in your life where no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to see the positive... I mean you're not a negative person, you love and trust God and deep down in your heart know that the Lord is your strength. BUT, there have been so many hard situations that have bombarded your life and you're swamped, you just can't get out of it. No matter how many scriptures you quote and squeeze your eyes shut and seems like God has chosen silence. It's hard, it's very hard to not have answers for your painful circumstances and it makes you wonder, why God? What's the possible good out come from this painful situation, it HURTS God, my heart aches in pain and I soooooooo need your peace. Then, you're forced to fall on your face, and ask God for peace and joy and meaning in life... You turn to him instead of your loved ones because none of their solutions will ever make it ok or better or is a lasting solution. My Pasto...